Bloggin' about stuff and things. GO HOME ==>


2024-09-13 - Type III update

Type III got back together yesterday and we jammed out some new stuff. Julian's got a bass riff and I have a new song called One of a Kind. Wahoo.

2024-08-20 - Certified Bruh Moment

I literally JUST made the blog post mentioning how I couldn't blog from school, and THEN they decide to reinstate my access??? Okay cool whatever act like I care. Anyways the Type III cds shipped out from kunaki today and honest to god i don't think we're going to get them in time. That's fine though.
EDIT: I made chat gpt make me a 90s webpage and its really funny

2024-08-19 - The Next Type III Session

First blog of august baby! Anyhoo let's talk about THE POST-ALBUM SESSIONS. Everything was goin up babey. The album was DONE. like DONE MATE. Until one day Adam says "hey guys, would it be too late to redo the drums on some songs?" Cooper texts back. "Yes it is far too late." I text back. "No, it is definitely not too late." I had the upper hand being the sole distributor/manufacturer of our music, I truthfully knew. Anyhoo we redid most of the drum takes and remixed every single song. So the singles sound kinda bad in comparison. Stay tuned!!!

The next thing we do is *HOPEFULLY* a release party gig. I wanna film it and get multitracks for it but Cooper doesn't want to, but idk maybe I can convince him. Maybe if I engineer it and be like "I don't want to record it to release I just want it to have multis and sound decent enough." He said he'd worry about if the recording sounded good or not. I still wanna record it.

Also I can't update the site from school because they blocked neocities. Fuck em.

Anyways, love ya bye -sylvia

2024-07-29 - Beep beep

Oh god FUCKING damnit do i just LOVE sonic youth
EDIT: Also the come to video is fucking gorgeous and it makes me orgasm through my eyeballs

2024-07-23 - Goodbye, for now...

This blog was set up with the primary intention of documenting my music happenings and mainly Type III. Well, we recorded most of our first record over the past two days (7/21, 7/22) and there won't be much else to talk about, really. Maybe some design docs later on, but nothing planned really (as if this blog isn't entirely spur of the moment lmao) I'm currently working on a music video for Come To. But that's really about it. The next time you'll hear from me, it'll most likely be an /index.html update.

Catch you on the flipside,

2024-07-21 - Type III gallivanting!

We're recording our album today! Details on the record will be posted at a later date on the homepage of this site. In the meantime, I will tell you about our yesterday adventures. We went to a piece of property my parents own and took a lot, a LOT of photos. It's gonna be chillin. They'll be used as either CD booklet stuff, promotional material, or a little bit of both. And we destroyed a television see y'all next time!!!

2024-07-15 - Type III news & new Delicate release

A. We have scheduled a date when we're going to get together at my house and finally track this damn album. It's gonna go wild.
B. My record label, Delicate Records, just released About Nothing by Paranoia. Paranoia is a one-man project featuring JW Hardt from Rhythmic Thoughts, also a Delicate act. How fun!

2024-07-12 - HUGE MAIL DAY INCOMING and the guitar for the Type III record

Mail tomorrow: Adam gets a bunch of new batter drum heads for the snare and toms, and I get a new snare reso head. This is fucking awesome. I'm also getting the new Van Halen box set in the mail tomorrow. THIS IS FUCKING AWESEOME Also, me and Cooper decided that my Peavey strat wasn't quite adequate for the Type III record, so we went around to THE ZOMBIE GUITAR COMPANY IN HERRIN ILLINOIS and checked if we could borrow a guitar from them and Tracy picked up LITERALLY MY DREAM GUITAR and just gave it to us. For a month. FOR FREE. We just gotta shout them out on the record. This isn't the record, but...


2024-07-06 - No Type III news

It goes hard as fuck when the news is no news. I really want some fucking orange juice.

2024-07-04 - Fuck

Just broke my snare drum head I'm killing myself

2024-07-04 - WOAH!

Babe wake up new I'm gonna try and blog about Type III and stuff here. Guess I may as well get started!! We're very nearly done with pre-production on the debut record. We have a track list with some old favourites, some recently released favourites, and some unknown songs that Will Be Your Fucking Favourites. Side note: for shitty punk records like these the terms "pre/post-production" are so funny. Pre production has taken months and months, and pre production will likely take anywhere from a week to a month or two, but "production"? Literally a day or two. Seriously. That's funny. Anyhoo...

A Behringer UMC1820 audio interface.

I want to go on about how this record has been coming to be for a bit without spoiling anything. Extremely recently we got this sick ass 8 channel audio interface. If you remember when Show Me How came out? That was record with, uhh, NOT this. Most of the live recordings we've done before getting this are the most taped together fucking things ever. Seriously. They suck. Late last year I bought an 8-track digital recorder that, at this point, is mainly used for it's suprisingly high quality stereo onboard mics for drums. BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! (well, that's just not true, because we're using it as either an overhead thing or a room mic thing.) We have this find piece of equipment as well as just so many fucking SM57 knockoffs. God speed, Weymic.

A snare drum and floor tom, both with microphones facing them.

I got a new guitar amp which is basically for this record. Obviously I will use it for more than just this album but you know, I've only recorded it for this album pretty much. It is replacing my highly trustly Fender Rumble 25, which while I only recorded for Show Me How, I used as my primary amp the second I started using a DS-1. It is now being used normally as a bass amp (oh fun fact, it's a bass amp!!)

A Fender Frontman 212R amp.

It's a Fender Frontman 212R, in case you didn't know.

I feel like I'm less talking about Type III and more about music gear so I'm gonna stop now. But email me or some shit if you want me to make another post rambling. Hell, message me on fucking PESTERCHUM. It would be highly funny.

See ya!


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